dihormati sepanjang jaman bahasa Inggris
- dihormati: stately; capable; well-thought-of; respected;
- sepanjang: along; along the way; alongside; as long as;
- jaman: era; period; term; date; aeon; epoch; age; time;
- dihormati: stately; capable; well-thought-of; respected; progressive
- jaman: era; period; term; date; aeon; epoch; age; time; century
- sepanjang: along; along the way; alongside; as long as; course of; down the; during; during the; full length; in so far as; insofar; insofar as; livelong; so far as; throughout; all through; down; up; on; end-
- bisa dihormati: admirable
- patut dihormati: respectable; reverend; venerable
- jaman akhir: end of time
- jaman batu: stone age
- jaman dahulu: antiquity; away back
- jaman ini: contemporary
- jaman kegelapan: middle ages; dark ages
- jaman modern: modern-day; up-to-date; up-to-the-minute
- ketinggalan jaman: antiquated; behind the times; out of fashion; outdated; passe; disused; dinosaurish; old-fashioned
- A time honored tool that teaches the most fundamental aspect of airbending.
Alat yang dihormati sepanjang jaman yang mengajarkan semua aspek penting dari Airbending.